I have a confession. I've been listening to Clay Aiken. Yup. Clay Aiken. His version of Bridge Over Troubled Water is my favorite. That opinion probably is considered sacrilege for those who are true Simon & Garfunkel fans but there is a power and a tone in his voice that really gets me. Granted, I can't actually watch the American Idol clip of him singing it because he looks like a teenage version of Ronald McDonald after getting his hair styled by Ryan Seacrest. So I just listen to it- over and over again.
This morning, this song came to life for me. Yesterday, my dr told me he wasn't exactly pro birth-plan which really bummed me out. He and I are scheduled to talk tomorrow morning about delivery options and I thought that after him saying that, I wasn't going to get what small things I would prefer to do while delivering these babies. I vented to my sister and my mom about it and have been thinking about things AGAIN since our conversation.
Well, this morning my awesome nurse Robyn came in to check on me. I think I've had her for 4 days now and she is my favorite. Her looks remind me of my sister in law and she is a true southern belle sweetheart. She sat down on the bed next to me and said that there was something in my chart about Royek poo-pooing a birth plan. My night nurse must have made a note about it last night because she and I talked briefly about it as well. Robyn went on to say that they work with them all the time and listed several things that they could accomodate me for. Everything she mentioned is on my list. Talk about easing my mind! I guess it just proves once more that it's the nurses and not the doctors that run a hospital. She said that when delivery day comes they will make sure that they put a nurse that thinks the same way I do in regards to childbirth with me so that I will have the best help and accomodations as possible. Wow- what a sigh of relief. I was really starting to feel like I would be viewed as this hippie extremist surrounded by disapproving medical professionals. But my mind has been completely put at ease and I am thankful for that answer to prayer.
The only thing left to work out is when to induce. Robyn mentioned that the time between 34-35 weeks is crucial. It can make the difference between NICU or not. By the time my parents get here on the 4th, I will have been in here for 3.5 weeks. My goal is to be home by October 8, that Saturday. So now my prayers are focused on receiving revelation as to a date that is best for these twins to be born. Do we still plan on earlier that week and plan on possibly being in NICU for a few days before being released or do we chance it, let them simmer a few days longer and hold out til Friday and plan on going home the next day. I think I am leaning towards the latter option. If they are born on October 7 (share a birthday with Uncle Tighe!!!) they will be abour 34 weeks and 5/6 days. They shouldn't need NICU at all. I still feel very confident that whenever they are born, they will be completely fine. Robyn says the two things that release them from NICU is that they have to be able to breathe on their own without any problems and they have to be able to regulate their own body temp without assistance. Once those two things are a double check, they can be moved to the normal nursery, come to cobed with me and be able to be released. Preemie weight is sometime also a factor but mr. chunkachunk in there is already past the preemie weight category and she will surpass it by then as well. thank goodness. one less thing to worry about. I am doing everything I can to grow them as strong and healthy and big as possible. I am eating every few hours, keeping hydrated and eating as much protein as possible, including a couple protein powder shakes a day. Their consistent heartbeats continue to amaze everyone. They are so easy to monitor and seem very very happy in there so I think that is a gold star for my efforts. Now it just comes down to a date.
14 hours ago
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