I've been watching a lot of tv online thanks to the generous servies of Netflix. It is a godsend and definitely worth the small monthly fee we pay for it. I have cable in my room but 95% of the time that is hit or miss and during the day it is only really good for mindless channel surfing.
Dallin brought the boys up tonight. Their visits are quick and busy but I am so glad to see them. As soon as Zade saw me, he just started squealing and smiling so big and laughing. It was the cutest thing ever and made me get a bit choked up. Dace wasn't shy at all today- big hugs and kisses and stories to tell from the minute they walked in. Plus they had fries to share which always helps.
My belly is feeling different. Ever since yesterday. I have been pep talking these babies about turning head down. We do this several times a day and they get a little massage at the same time as extra incentive. They have been moving alot the last 24 hours and they feel like they are laying differently in there. I have an ultrasound tomorrow morning so we will see. I have also been given permission to have a chiropractor come in which I am really excited about. she is one from Savannah, highly recommended by my midwife and she has an 87% success rate at turning breech babies. We'll see what she can do with transverse. She is coming in around noon tomorrow and I am really excited to have her adjust my uterine ligaments, help me with inversion and do what she can to nudge these babies head down.
The leaking has been light and slow today. In fact, there was almost nothing for an 8 hour stretch. Another possible sign that the babies are in a different position. And they took my IV out today before dinner. yay! All in all, I am feeling very optimistic about things. Now back to my episode marathon.....
14 hours ago
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