We had a midwife appt today and got to see the twins. They are still just happy as ever and growing perfectly. Baby girl is already head down while baby boy just keeps doing summersaults.
Our midwives, Rita, Jill (who caught Dace and Zade) and Nancy are meeting with the Candler doctors tonight. They will be discussing our case and seeing what options we have and what they are willing to do as far as co-managing our pregnancy and delivery.
I'm not going to lie- this whole idea of a hospital birth scares me. I think most people fear the natural births that we have had in the past but not me. I feel like I am going to lose a lot of control in the hospital and everything will be stressful and dramatic and tense. I had a ton of questions for Rita that she wrote down and will ask the doctors then get back to me.
Even if I go full term (which I will) and the babies are both head down (which they will be) the delivery will still be a double setup in the OR, meaning I will be allowed to birth naturally but everyone will be gloved and masked up and ready to cut if anything goes wrong. Ugh. I'm already missing my tranquil, spa-like birthing suite and waterbirth but I know that the safety of the twins comes first. I think it will be a quick delivery, probably less than 6 hours and then we'll be back in a normal room. We will have to stay 2 days in the hospital even if both babies are completely healthy, no problems and born at good weights (which they will be) and that might be the hardest part of all. I love being able to go home to my own bed the same day of having a baby at the midwife group.
IF the docs are willing to co-manage with my midwives then we will work with Dr. McCleoud and use the Candler hosptial. If they aren't, then we are going to stay here on the island. The hospital is only a couple blocks away and then our bishop can be our ped for the delivery. If I can't have my midwife there, there is no point in going into Savannah.
So by the end of next week, we should have a game plan and a doctor all worked out. I am trying to focus my thoughts and energy on the things that I can control- eating right, sleeping and resting properly, drinking TONS of water. and by tons, I mean 8 16oz glasses a day! crazy, huh?! but apparently, that's what it takes and what is ideal. I am going to make a list of things I can and cannot do and try my best at adapting to that. Some of those don'ts are just not feasible at the moment given our circumstances but I will do the best I can until Dallin is fully recovered.
This is the most stressful part for me- the unknowing. Once I know who we will be working with and where and what will and will not happen , can or cannot happen, I'll be able to refocus and accept the possible outcomes. It's just hard adapting to the complete opposite of what my first 2 childbirthing experiences will like, embracing the unknown. In my heart of hearts, I know everything will be fine, go smoothly and we'll have another wonderful birthing story. And I'm predicting a halloween delivery.
14 hours ago
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