Today was only a half day at the hospital for me. I took Dace up for a visit and knew that it would only be a morning thing. I was toying with the idea of bringing him home and going back again, but their play date kind of fell through and I needed some time at home to possibly get a nap in, do some laundry and collect all the garbage and get that out. ugh.
Dace and I got to Dallin's room at 10 to find him resting. I had explained to Dace that daddy had to stay in the hospital until his really big owwies got better. He was shy when we first got there, which we were both expecting. I explained to him how everything hooked up to Daddy was making him feel better. He saw the chest tub drain beside our feet and asked- What's that juice? that was funny! If he only knew what that actually was. We found Curious George on tv and he started to warm up, feeling a bit more at ease with his favorite monkey now in the room.
While he watched cartoons, Dallin and I dozed until Amy from physio came in. She got Dallin into his brace while I watched and helped learn the process. She was so excited that he didn't complain or anything. A few other nurses came in shortly and got Dallin to his feet then we went for a walk down the hallway and back. It's funny because you see him walking and you would never guess that he had just broken his back and had major surgery within the last few days. There is no limp, there is no struggle. It's just him walking normal, albeit more slowly and wearing a hospital gown and back brace. The whole therapy crew is so impressed with his strength and healing.
Once back in the room, Dallin settled into the arm chair and I got the bed for a little snooze, fresh linens and all. It felt so good to lay down, even for a few minutes. Today was the first morning that I truly felt exhausted. Zade is teething again and woke up about 4 times last night just screaming in pain and ticked that it hurt him enough to wake him up. I think my sleeping hours count is barely over 20 hours since Saturday. Dace hung out in his stroller and watched cartoons while we got Dallins room service for lunch ordered and chatted for a bit.
I was getting hungry too so Dace and I ventured down to the cafeteria to get ourselves some lunch. He loved walking through all the winding hallways and taking 2 different elevators and everyone smiled and talked to him because he really is the cutest little boy ever! Can I just say that I am so impressed with the food in this hospital? The room service options is 2-3 times the options at the best hotel and the cafe has 4 different stations with good healthy delicious food and the prices are fantastic. Today they had a farmers market cart with all sorts of fresh fruits and veggies. Dace of course had to pick out a basket of fresh strawberries. We took our food to go up to eat with Dallin and passing through the lobby we ran into our stake president and his wife coming to see Dallin. He was happy to have some company and they chatted while Dace and I munched on lunch.
Shortly after they left, I was getting ready to go when Dr. Bromberg, another surgeon that operated on Dallin came in. They weren't able to take out the last chest tube because too much fluid was still draining. Dallin really would like to be home Saturday morning but once the tube is out, he has to stay 24 hours for monitoring. So if the tube doesn't come out tomorrow, it will be Sunday or later when he gets home. They are also starting to wean him off the pain pump so that his Rx meds will be enough once he is home.
So what does the title of this post have to do with anything? Has curiosity got the better of you and you searched it out? Well, here is the scripture in case you haven't looked it up:
"And I, the Lord God, caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam; and he slept, and I took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh in the stead thereof;"
So Bromberg was the surgeon in charge of clearing the path to the spine. He informed us today that besides taking out the diaphragm and deflating a lung, he also had to take out one of Dallin's rib in order for there to be working space for the spine. This was brand new information to us!
Dallin- So, what did you do with my rib? Did you put it back?
Bromberg- Oh no. we tossed it.
Dallin, laughing- Oh!
Bromberg- you don't get it back. You've already got a wife or I was going to tell you we could make one for you but.....
it was a pretty funny conversation and a detail that adds extra wow factor to this whole story. crazy.
Well, it is now almost 9pm. The boys are in bed; I can hear Zade humming the last of his sleepy time hum before he will be out for the night too. I really should clean up the supper dishes but I feel like a complete zombie so I am going to bed. Thank you to all the wonderful people who are watching the boys during the day (as well as a few nights earlier this week) and to those who are brining in our dinner. I would not be surviving without you. I love you. good night.
14 hours ago