Thursday, December 3, 2009


My new cozy jammies. I like to kick my blankets off at night but these keep me warm all the way til morning. AND - I sleep all night long without a bottle. I'm a big boy now.

My favorite- a fire truck.

My other favorite- a helicopter!

Sunday afternoon I made the executive decision to wean Dace from his nighttime bottle(s). I had been humming and hawing over it for months and the week prior had woken up several times at night thinking about it. So pull the trigger and get it over with. Whether we do it now or in two months, it's gonna be brutal, right? Wrong! It took Dace all of one day and a total of 14 minutes of crying to adapt and move on. Wow! I am almost ticked that it was so easy for all the fussing and anguish it caused me plotting and scheming over when and how. But that is a big step and I am so very grateful the boy is a superstar and it went so flawlessly. One transition down, two to go. The move to the big boy bed is coming in the new year then adapting to a baby brother the month after. Here's hoping Dace adapts to everything the way he did to this. We are so blessed.

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