Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Zade's 1st birthday bash

Happy birthday to you!  This is the before.....

And after. I think he's in a sugar coma, since this was his first taste of it.  By the end, he polished off almost the entire cupcake.  He was really excited to eat it too.  I had the cutest little video of him chowing down but my camera glitched and died and so it wasn't saved.  Sad.

Ah.  Evidence that he actually did enjoy his cake. 

Gift opening. 

He adores this puppy!  As soon as he pulled it out of the bag, he sqealed with glee and squeezed him tight.  This is the softest, floppiest puppy i have ever seen and it's the perfect puppy for Zade. 

I need a wide angle lense.  This only captures half the room.  We had 32 people in all for the festivities.  I am so grateful for the great friends we have and for their love of Zade. 

The birthday boy, having a tall warm one. 

And of course- to answer the question, what did you eat?  I did a cake buffet for this party which was a lot of fun and a lot of work.  But it was definitely a hit and very appreciated. 

A 4 layer chocolate fudge cake with dark chocolate frosting, yellow cupcakes with tinted cream cheese frosting, a carrot cake that was so amazing it even blew my mind!, a cheesecake with raspberry sauce and banana bars. 

1 comment:

brittany said...

the food is totally making me salivate. aw. would have been awesome to be there!