Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Can't Wait

Zade and I did a mother and son shoot today.  Lucky for me that my best friend is one of the most amazing photographers in the country.  Lisa sent me this sneak peak just a few moments ago.  As soon as I opened the email and saw the image, I cried.  I don't think an image has ever moved me like that before.  And it wasn't in a "oh look at me" sort of way.  But just the perfect mother/son moment that it captured and the beautiful, beautiful little boy that I am so beyond privileged to call my son.  (here they are- tears again.)

So I wanted to share this with you.  I couldn't pick a favorite color so you get to see all of them.  I think I slightly favor the sepia.

Thank you so much, Lisa.  Your talent takes my breath away.  To see more of her work (and Mark's as well; they are both so incredible), visit their site here

1 comment:

brittany said...

that is soooooooo nice! Aw. You're really lucky! I love hearing about how much you love the boys. I do like the sepia, but I think the coloured one is my favorite!