Sunday, May 31, 2009

I hope they call me on a mission

I have entitled this as such because that is the song that has been playing in my mind on repeat all morning long! The only con to this adorable bday gift. Heather made Dace two of these onesies. Everyone at church was just eating him up. I lost count of how many laps he did walking around the building today (he's a fulltime walker), his little buddha belly sticking out covered over with his tie and badge. Oh so adorable! Heather is so creative and amazingly talented. The nametag is even personalized to read 'Elder Dean". Check out her blog here

The Big Birthday Party Bash

The theme was green and blue, if you couldn't tell.

It seems fitting that this is the 100th post of Dacebook!
I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders now that Dace is one. It's weird. Like I can breathe a sigh of relief that we made it. Not that it was too much of a struggle. I don't know, it's weird to describe. 1 done, 18 to go. Anyway, his party was a hit and everyone had a great time and no one went away hungry. We are so blessed to have such good people as our friends and whom we call family here in the South. We had just over 20 people join us for the festivities.

He knew something was happening. He only slept for an hour for his morning nap and was so excited for his buds to show up. His shirt says 'my first birthday'

The baby buffet. Homemade caramel corn, the ever-constant staple of goldfish and teether biscuits.

The real spread. Veggie platter, tropical fruit salad, brie/baguette/red grapes, cheese and crackers. pickles and olives, chocolate or vanilla cupcakes. spinach artichoke dip...have I mentioned I love being hostess? It's all about the food. And yes I made it all myself.

They were just as good as they look.

Opening presents.

These two can always find each other in a crowd. Best bud Xavier.

Happy Birthday to you!

Banana bread cake with fresh whipping cream. I think he thought it was a trap. Didn't do too much with it but liked the cream.

My Nigerian princess friend, Idy. She's great.

All the bubbas in a row. We have quite the united nations of little guys. All are americans as well as citizens of (from Left to Right: Chidubem (Nigeria), Dace (CANADA! insert trumpet here), Xavier (Mexico), Kyler (Peru). Not in the picture Jasmine (Brazil). Unable to attend was Eli (Trinidad).

Dace was winding down by this point, hypnotized by the fan and ready for a longer nap.

You know it was a good party when ...

Friday, May 29, 2009

Oh how the Year Went By!

Happy Birthday, Dace! We love you so much.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Commencement of Birthday Week

Yesterday morning, I solemnly dressed our little Dace for his last day at church as a baby. That's right, his first birthday is coming up on Friday. Next Sunday, he will be a toddler and then, I am sure, the questions of "So when are you going to have another one?" will start. The answer to that is- mind your own business!

just kidding!!! I'm feeling saucy this morning. Don't mind my sense of humor.

I think I want to wait one more year. I have a few goals that i want to accomplish before I step into round two of preggerville. But if things change, of course we'll keep you posted....I digress....

Anyhoo, I have been reflecting on the last year as I have been gathering things for the big party this week. I have learned a lot from being a mother (another post coming soon) and am in awe of how fast it has gone by!

Dace is walking up a storm and has mastered going up and down the stairs. His nosie has healed from the faceplant down the stairs and so we are preparing for our family photo hopefully to take place next week.
He can now say Done! when he is finished eating and as of this morning is also saying his own name. His favorite food currently is pinto beans which he eats twice a day. Not for lack of options but because he has decided he would like to live on bread, cheese and beans plus as much fruit as we will give him. And, in case you are wondering, all systems are a go in the diaper department which has to be some sort of scientific miracle based on how much cheese the guy consumes. His fave snack is goldfish and he has discovered the magic of Sesame Street.
He has also started nodding yes. It is a formal one shake movement of agreement that, if put in to words, would be something like, "Yes, mother, I would prefer prunes for my dessert. Thank you for asking my opinion on the matter." I want to get it on video. He has been shaking his head NO for a while now which he likes to do while driving his walker which results swerving into furniture and walls as he can't shake his head and keep his balance at the same time.

That is all by way of Dace updates. I doubt I will post anything til Sunday, after the party. There is much to do before then.

We are off to the beach this afternoon. It is our long weekend and Dallin has taken the day off. Yay! And the sun has finally returned to us. It has been the epitome of rainy season this year here in the South. Lots of rain and clouds for two weeks straight. It is the longest stretch without a sunny day we have had since living here. So we are taking our chilled watermelon and heading to the beach.
Have a fab week!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Getting Up and Taking Off

He figured this out in a day. Now he can get to his feet anywhere, anytime....and he does!

Friday, May 22, 2009


He still crawls some of the time but this is definitely his new favorite mode of transportation.  

Monday, May 18, 2009

Bubba Bites the Dust

The Culprit

The Accomplice

The Victim
When I went to take this picture I told Dace, "Show me how much it hurts." This is what he gave me.
Saturday night, I was out minding my own business running errands. I get home and Dallin says, "He took a tumble." Apparently, Dallin let him go up the stairs on his own. When he got up there, he found his walker in our room and walked off the edge of the stairs with it. His nose and upper lip is scraped from carpet burn but that is the only damage done. Other than the emotional and mental scars of one minute playing blissfully with his favorite toy, the next kareeming through the air and falling down half a dozen stairs. But kids bounce back quickly, right?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

a week(end) in pictures

His first birthday gift, a jumpsuit from the Olsen fam. I love the big boy number with his little bubba head. So cute!
Easy does it, bambi-on-ice. His walking is improving every day. It is so fun to watch him figure it out.

just a happy little boy!

dancin' to the music.

whatcha doin' in here, mama?

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My First Mother's Day

On our balcony before church. I'm channeling Kiera Knightley in this dress. I got it for an accidental price of $3.99 yesterday. Ross, oh how I love thee!
And then there is the oh so dashing Mr. Dace in his vest and matching tie. Look at that smile! He loves mornings.

The one who calls me mama, with the one who calls me wifey. (okay, Dallin really doesn't call me that but you get the point). I love my handsome boys!

My stash. White tulips, Dove chocolates and the perfect card from Dallin. He always finds the one that totally suits me. Much needed new makeup as my present. Don't worry, I picked it out, not Dallin. and then free roses from Belks for spending way too much money on said makeup.

As I sit here at the laptop, Dallin is in the kitchen making cake for tonight's dessert. I can hear Dace upstairs playing in his crib, still not asleep. He was dragging it all morning at church and only now does he feel like being in a good mood. Go figure.
But I want to send a shoutout to all the wonderful mothers in my world. Whether you are a friend, a sister, a grandma, a mother of a friend- whatever it is, if someone calls you mom then I want to express my love and appreciation for all of you. Someone said in a talk today that mothers heal the souls of men. And so many of you have healed mine. Thank you all your love and sacrifice and joy that you bless this world with.
Mom, to you alone, thank you so much for being such a great mother to me and such a wonderful Grandma to Dace. I am so thankful for the endless advice and prayers and encouragement.
Carol, thank you for being such a wonderful mother and raising such an incredible son. He is a wonderful husband and father.
And lastly, to Dace- thank you for choosing me to call mama. You have blessed my life in ways that I can never fully express in words. I love you so much! You will always be my little munch.

Bluffton Village Festival

Yesterday, the Martinez fam came out to visit us and go to the Festival. It was only a few blocks from our new place so we walked. It was a hot day but we still had loads of fun. There were tons of booths with arts and crafts, music was playing. But most importantly, there was food. We all feasted on fresh- squeezed lemonade, Southern pulled pork BBQ sandwiches, cupcakes, fried oysters and fish. It was all so good! The boys sampled everything but the seafood. You can tell they were born in Georgia- they love that BBQ'd pork!

Cooling off in the shade. I'd wet Dace's hair down and fluff it for a bit of refreshing cool. It seemed to be working. Xavier looks like he needs a popsicle and a bum change.

Playing with their Fire Chief hats....

They were done with that in about seven seconds.

A break from the strollers. Everyone slowed down to cluck over our handsome boys. They sure are attention grabbers!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Something New

Whatcha lookin' at, Dace?

Bubbles, mama! Lots and lots of bubbles!

See? Daddy's making them.
A bottle and a show. Life is good!
My sweetums.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Pizza Lover gene

It's a little blurry because we took it on Dallin's phone.  But Dace was loving eating the little bits of cheese and crust we were giving him.  Then when Dad let him take his own bite, he was in heaven!  He clamped on, raised his eyebrows and chomped with all the might those little 'teefers' could offer.  it  was so funny.

Friday, May 1, 2009

A Break From Boxes

We are moved! And almost settled back on the main land, in Bluffton, SC. Just to explain things, we moved off the island to save some money in rent. We are about a 15 minute drive from where we used to live and are still in the same area, same ward, etc but just in a different part of it and that much closer to Savannah. Our new townhouse has a garage (which was the selling feature for Dallin, of course) then the first floor on top of that is the main living space with big open living room with balcony, dining room with balcony, big spacious kitchen, laundry room and bathroom all with 10 foot ceilings. Then upstairs are the 3 bedrooms and another bathroom, all with 10 foot ceilings as well. The master suite also has a balcony, walkin closet and a fabulous bath complete with double sinks, shower stall and a soaker tub (selling feature for me). I have a bit of painting and decorating to do and then I will post some pics of the new digs.

Meanwhile, we took a break from unpacking and did a quick trip in to Savannah with Dallin. He had to make a stop to take a bid and Dace needed a stretch after that. Here are some pics from his playground experience, pretty much his first time at a park.

Dace's balcony. Off the living room, totally baby safe. We're going to put foam pads down for him. But he loves standing out there, just like this, watching the lagoon across the street, looking for birdies and puppies.

In the swing. He was a little hesitant at first but then he warmed up to it.
My little Huck Finn, dirty feet and playing with a stick.

Happy bubba.

Sandy toesies.

Much better swinging with dad.
I look haggard but he makes up for everything I lack. I love his little arm around me, up on one tiptoe.

Big boy on the slide!