Thursday, August 1, 2013

Storytime with Dace

I posted on Facebook a few days ago that Dace had read the stories for bedtime that night and that my job here was done.

We returned our library books for new ones today and so I had him make this quick video of the two he has been reading.  He owns another book that he likes to read as well.  We'll document that one later

I'm sure he's not really reading yet.  I'm sure it's just a spectacular photgraphic memory or something.  But then again maybe not.  We were driving home yesterday and Dace said, "Look, mommy!  It's a boat sale."
Sure enough, there was a sign on the right that declared BOAT SALE.  "Dace," I said, "Did you read that?"  "Well, the first word says boat and the second says sale so it must be a boat sale!"


Charlotte said...

Go Dace!

brittany said...

That is so great! So cute. So smart!