Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Funny Boys

This kid is IN LOVE with whole wheat spaghetti.  He moaned and groaned for half an hour eating it.  He is his mother's son- he just loves food. 

The Racicot way of keeping warm through winter.  He did this all himself. 

No idea how this position was comfortable enough to fall asleep.  Don't worry, I moved him upstairs and he had a 3 hour nap. 

First taste of organic teething biscuit, complete with facial.  No joke- 30 minutes later, the thing was completely disintegrated. 

Too small bubba!  Riding the bike that Grampa Randy bought him. 

The Dean Team bobsled.  Two laps of pushing this 60 lbs of little boy over carpet wears this mama out!

1 comment:

Marisa Hodges said...

I love the way Dace dressed himself , its too funny!