Ladies and gentlemen, I have arrived. Arrived at the eternal age of 29. The age I will forever remain. From now on, each year's birthday will simply be groundhog's day- 29...29...29...29. Forever.
Haha! Just kidding. I really could care less about my age. That number hasn't bothered me ever since I hit 16 and now it's all good. I don't feel 29. I still feel early 20s, somedays even as young as those glory days of high school. Age really is just a number and I think I have a young soul and plan on staying that way ...forever!
I had one main goal to accomplish before my bday and that was to lose all of Z's baby weight. Mission accomplished and then a couple extra lbs. yay. happy birthday to me! hello, skinny jeans. My, how I've missed you. Your cousin, maternity jeans, aren't nearly as much fun as you. Thanks for coming back to me. *tear* *sniff, sniff*
So, wanna hear about "my day"? Good! Because I'm going to tell you.
It started off bright and early at 530am. Zade woke up. Dallin got up with him but when I heard the pitter patter of Dace's feet heading downstairs, I thought I better lend a hand. I dragged my groggy, royal birthday butt down to the living room where Dace was already in position in his chairs with cartoons on. Why are cartoons even airing that early? It just encourages these wee folk to actually get up and stay up. I sat down on the couch beside Dallin who was feeding Zade. Zade was stuffed up and snozzy all night and had had a rough night. We knew he'd be going back to bed shortly. So I turned my attention to our oldest.
ME: Dace, it's pretty early, bud. Don't you want to go back to bed for a little bit?
DACE: Nope! All done!
well, that settles it. D and I had a good laugh over his cut and dry answer. Then I went back to bed. When I woke up again, I thought for sure it was at least 9 if not 10. Nope, barely after 8. So we made breakfast- bacon, eggs and homemade hashbrowns. Just as we were sitting down, Dace comes to me with a poopie diaper. Might as well change that BEFORE eating. Then after I had had my birthday breakfast, Zade decided to have 2 poopie diapers back to back. Three poopies in less than an hour all before 10 am on my birthday. happy birthday to me! I loudly declared my release from poop duty until the end of my birthday.
Then the same old same old of the day commenced. My awesome new visiting teachers brought me lunch and a message and we ate together. Just as we were finishing up, my bestest friend Lisa stopped by with a birthday cake all for me! She's so awesome!
We ate with Staci and Greg and Craig and Emily and their little guy Judah, who is just older than Zade. It was a great meal and great company. Following that, D and I headed for the beach. It was the perfect night to be there. The warm air was perfect, a gentle ocean breeze. We were walking along in our bare feet with the soft sand below, warm ocean water cascading over our ankles. To our left out to sea was the orange full moon, overhead was a clear sky with bright shining stars and to the right a crazy lightening storm moving in. It was a feast for the senses.
It was a great birthday. I got to spend the day mothering my sick baby boys then relax and enjoy my evening with my babe and a few friends. Life is good...even at the ripe old age of 29. ;)
1 comment:
Other than the Poopy diapers I am glad you had a great birthday, the sushi looks awesome!
side note: I'm impressed you got all the baby weight off so fast, you look great!
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