Saturday, July 10, 2010

Funny Little Boy

Cankles suit him.

Rockin' the baby cleavage.

The mashed peas with cereal wasn't such a hit.

Now that I'm on solids, I want Cheetos!
(don't worry, it was an empty bag and he won't get junk food for another year)

Comforting Dace the only way he knew how.

Who is that handsome boy looking back at me?

Captivated by Sesame Street...momentarily, at least.

1 comment:

Marisa Hodges said...

Jackson was looking at your blog with me and he saw the picture of Zade with cheetos and cracked up laughing. he said silly baby, baby
.'s just drink milk. Now for the first time he said he wants a boy. I guess Dace and Zade made him want a brother!