We had a blast tonight! It was so much fun! We missed the boat for our ward activity due to Dace's late nap but it turned out for the best. We all got dressed up and went to the mall for trick or treating. I felt like a celebrity because everyone was commenting about Dace and our matching outfits and snapping pictures of our little Spartan. It was so much fun- totally worth all the time I put into sewing the thing. It didn't take Dace long to figure out that the people with the baskets would just give him treats, no questions asked! We did the stores at the mall then went and did a block by our friend's house and Dace was loving it. He'd carry his sword and treat bag and run up to the people on their step (apparently, it was one of the hottest Halloweens in recent history here so most people were sitting on their front steps hanging out and handing out candy. It was pretty cool) Dace had no problem reaching for another treat or two if they only offered him one and he was cute enough to get away with it. He pulled in quite a stash. After the block, we hit two parties then headed for home. Dacimus had a great night and we made a lot of memories. Themed family costumes is definitely the way to do it. So much fun!!