Thursday, August 20, 2009

Summertime at Grandma's

We are finally back home after our 5 week vacation. We are unpacked, laundry complete and house degrunged from Dallin living as a bachelor for almost a month. okay, it wasn't that bad, really. This is the last of 5 posts I have done today with a ton of photos from our travels. Enjoy!
Watering the flowers at grandma's as well as cooling off those toesies.

Looking for snacks in the pantry.

Sharing a revel with grandma. This quickly became a daily ritual. He is now addicted to ice cream with chocolate.

Driving the truck with grandpa. Dace would say "Vroom! Vroom!" the whole time they were in there.

A helping hand with yardwork. Note the hoodie. Those cool Cdn days were a nice break from the sweltering heat and humidity of the South.

His first experience with his own piece of watermelon. it was kind of a big deal.

He loved all the bachelor buttons in the garden.

Swimming at the lake. He clung to me like velcro for extra bodyheat but he still liked being in the water.

1 comment:

Sus said...

He doesn't look at all like a baby to me anymore. He's all toddler! You guys will have to come up soon or he'll be driving you up before you know it.