My awesome friend Heather tagged me for an Honest Scrap blog award. The criteria is for having an inspiring and creative blog. So thank you for making my day with such a great compliment. Heather's blog Small Fry & Co. (link here ) is great. She is more creative than I and definitely inspires me with every post. So in accepting this award, I must post 7 honest things about myself. Here they are in no particular order:
1. I used to love cold pizza when I was a kid. Now, the mere thought of it makes me want to gag.
2. Last year, I was given the assignment to write 5 impossible goals for myself. I came up with two. When (notice how I said when and not if) they come to pass, I will let you know what they are.
3. One of my biggest pet peeves is people who think that the universal law of morning breath does not apply to them. And what's even worse is when they take their stank breath out into public. There is nothing worse than getting a whiff of a complete stranger's morning breath. sick! everybody gets it, bucko! So do something about it! ahem...stepping off my soap box now...
4. My idea of financial success/independence is being able to afford a weekly massage. that's how i'll know I've made it.
5. I miss buying cd's. I haven't bought one in years, no I don't own an iPod but I do love music. thank goodness for playlist and pandora.
6. I am a massively huge believer in the power of thought. It blows my mind (no pun intended) the more i learn about it. We really have no idea just how much we create our own world. wow.
7. I wish I ran 5 miles every day. I miss running and I used to be really good at it.
well there you have it. a random sampling of the thoughts of Tovah. And there is always more where that came from.
14 hours ago
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