Monday, August 31, 2009

I'd like to thank the Academy....

My awesome friend Heather tagged me for an Honest Scrap blog award. The criteria is for having an inspiring and creative blog. So thank you for making my day with such a great compliment. Heather's blog Small Fry & Co. (link here ) is great. She is more creative than I and definitely inspires me with every post. So in accepting this award, I must post 7 honest things about myself. Here they are in no particular order:

1. I used to love cold pizza when I was a kid. Now, the mere thought of it makes me want to gag.
2. Last year, I was given the assignment to write 5 impossible goals for myself. I came up with two. When (notice how I said when and not if) they come to pass, I will let you know what they are.
3. One of my biggest pet peeves is people who think that the universal law of morning breath does not apply to them. And what's even worse is when they take their stank breath out into public. There is nothing worse than getting a whiff of a complete stranger's morning breath. sick! everybody gets it, bucko! So do something about it! ahem...stepping off my soap box now...
4. My idea of financial success/independence is being able to afford a weekly massage. that's how i'll know I've made it.
5. I miss buying cd's. I haven't bought one in years, no I don't own an iPod but I do love music. thank goodness for playlist and pandora.
6. I am a massively huge believer in the power of thought. It blows my mind (no pun intended) the more i learn about it. We really have no idea just how much we create our own world. wow.
7. I wish I ran 5 miles every day. I miss running and I used to be really good at it.

well there you have it. a random sampling of the thoughts of Tovah. And there is always more where that came from.

Eye-Hand Coordination

Dallin is bound and determined to teach Dace how to catch and throw the ball. Here is the second taped clip from our Sunday evening practice.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday afternoon with Dace

Best Buds

..if you can't tell from the double posting today, we're a little bored here in rainville.

Friday morning with Dace

He sure loves his raspberry jam and toast!
Just a bit of early-morning cupboard organizing.
Oh my little supermodel in the making.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Birthday in review

The day started off on a good note. Dace slept til 8 and when we came downstairs to have breakfast, I was greeted by....A BRAND NEW KITCHENAID MIXER!!!! I have wanted one of these for many years. Oh the things we will make together.

After a yummy breakfast of bacon, eggs and homemade hashbrowns, we ran some work errands then headed to the Staff's to use their pool. We were greeted there by a Happy Birthday banner and cupcakes. Awww! I felt so loved. We had the pool to ourselves and swam for an hour or so before breaking for lunch- the best sandwiches ever (okay, well, definitely my top 3) from Stu's. See Dace in his swim ring? He was hesitant at first but once he figured out how much fun floating can be, he was lovin' it!

After lunch, Mark and Lisa were back from their shoot so we headed back to the pool for another swim. This time, Dace jumped right into his ring and gathered up his toys. He'd float all around the pool just soaking up the sun and splashing his fists. He learned how to kick his feet too. He's such a little frog.
We left at 530 and Dace instantly crashed into a deep nap til 7. He sure was ticked when he roused him to go get dinner. But it was nothing that an appetizer of milk couldn't fix. Mexican for dinner, a quick milk run to target and back home to bath bubbas and turf him in bed. The day was completed with ice cream sandwiches and an early bedtime. It was a good day.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Learning Photoshop - A Sample

There is that pesky expression that an old dog can't learn new tricks. Well, this 'old' dog is turning 28 tomorrow and I have had quite the breakt-through with photoshop tricks over the last 12 hours. Here are some Before and Afters:

BEFORE- sun spots, sky is bleached out, color seems faded

AFTER- I added a blue layer to the sky, adjusted the color saturation and erased the sun spots. I love the contrast of blue and yellow in prairie photos.
BEFORE- she is cute as a button but the color is kind of drab.

AFTER- erased 2 'squito bites, adjusted color saturation, highlights and shadows, and spent about an hour finding the right technique to make those adorable eyes pop (note- you can find any tutorial for photoshop on youtube). Dace goes gaga everytime he sees this one on my screen.
BEFORE- nice but some distractions in the background.
AFTER- erased the blanket behind her and whatever was way in the back, color adjustment and also played with the highlights and shadows.

Heather- the disc will be in the mail tomorrow. Hope you like it!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Utah trip- Dallin's camera

I found D's camera and downloaded more pics from Utah. Here are some of the highlights:

Heeeeeeeere's Uncle Johnny! These two are great buddies.

Dallin pointing out the sights overlooking Provo. Dace was riveted by the view.

Playing with cousin Taylor Belle.

How cute is she?!?!

Breakfast with Rhyker and his mom/my former roomie Becky.

Playing foose with the cousins at the reunion.
Like the bandana? I was bored. He's totally working it.

Sitting with Grandpa in order to play with the cat.

Helping Grandma prepare dinner by being the official olive taste tester.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Summertime at Grandma's

We are finally back home after our 5 week vacation. We are unpacked, laundry complete and house degrunged from Dallin living as a bachelor for almost a month. okay, it wasn't that bad, really. This is the last of 5 posts I have done today with a ton of photos from our travels. Enjoy!
Watering the flowers at grandma's as well as cooling off those toesies.

Looking for snacks in the pantry.

Sharing a revel with grandma. This quickly became a daily ritual. He is now addicted to ice cream with chocolate.

Driving the truck with grandpa. Dace would say "Vroom! Vroom!" the whole time they were in there.

A helping hand with yardwork. Note the hoodie. Those cool Cdn days were a nice break from the sweltering heat and humidity of the South.

His first experience with his own piece of watermelon. it was kind of a big deal.

He loved all the bachelor buttons in the garden.

Swimming at the lake. He clung to me like velcro for extra bodyheat but he still liked being in the water.

Playing with Parker

Alright, so remember last year when we went to Canada and I had pics of Dace meeting Parker for the first time? Here is a picture to refresh your memory.
Dace was totally chill while Parker through a fit. Fast forward one year and see how the tables have turned....
Dace just wasn't in the mood to pose for pictures, I guess. So we pulled them off the chair and just let them play and he came around. I just thought it was funny how the experience had come full circle.

Finally got the shot!

At the Farm with Allie

they played pretty good together once Allie warmed up to him. She was a little unsure at first. They sure were cute to watch that day.

Dean family reunion

4 generations of Dean.

Our little family's first campout. 4 nights in the tent and Dace loved every minute of it.

Peek! He also loved getting into the cheetos before breakfast as evidenced on his chin.

His little bedroom corner.

Menolli and Brian's dog Dawkins. Where this is a puppy, there is happiness for Dace.

At the Zoo

Dace pointed and stared at every animal, especially the bigger ones.
African porcupine vs. cute girl. Cute girl wins.

Whatcha lookin' at, Dace?

A look of 'oh wow!' One of the phrases he started saying this summer.