Obviously, Zade and the twins are still too young to grasp the concept of what Easter is really about. But Dace can get a junior version of it. Both Dallin and I have had small, short conversations with him about how Jesus died and then came back to life so we can live with Heavenly Father again. He was so excited and thought that was pretty cool.
But at 4 years old, the Easter bunny steals the show and rightly so. The boys were so excited for Bunny this year. In fact, they were the ones who reminded me about bunny. Good thing too or that would have been a late night dash for candy.
Zade must have asked 5 times on Saturday when the Easter bunny would "be here." At one point, he wanted to go wait on the porch until he arrived. When they finally went to bed, I went to work. I filled about 30 eggs with jelly beans, mini eggs, and Reese's Pieces eggs (my favorite!). I put their baskets right outside their bedroom door and trailed the eggs down the stairs and around the main floor.
I woke up at 630, slightly earlier than usual. Just before 730 we heard movement upstairs. Then the sweetest, most precious squeal of delight and excitement. It was Zade. I laid their listening to him and trying to hear their conversation. They are so good at whispering in the morning that I couldn't hear much. But those precious gleeful squeals- that is what childhood is about in a nutshell: magic.
As they came down the stairs, I could hear Dace: "Holy cow! holy cow! There's so many!"
They gathered them all up and put them on the table before coming to get us. Bunny had brought new sippy cups for the twins, bubble blowers for the boys as well as new whoopie cushions.
"Mommy, this is the best Easter morning ever!" Dace exclaimed.
Mission accomplished. :)
4 days ago