In other news, because maybe you want to know what we are up to as well, Dallin's business is doing great and keeping him very busy. He has made contact with a lot of the rental companies and that is bringing in a lot of work which is an answer to prayer. I have been at home mostly, trying to get over my skin problems that popped up after Dace was born. It has come leaps and bounds in the last 2 days and we feel like this is finally the end. It has been almost 2 months battling with it but I finally found a homeopathic cleanse I could take and continue to nurse and we have seen the most steady improvement since starting that last week. Again, all answers to prayers and we recognize our blessings in these areas. We are getting ready to head up to Canada for a couple weeks. It is getting hotter and more humid each day so it will be a nice break to head North for a bit.
7 hours ago