Monday, September 22, 2008

Mornings with Daddy

Dallin has been great in getting up with Dace in the mornings and doing the breakfast feeding so that I can sleep a couple more hours while recovering from the surgery and everything else (including battling insomnia the last few weeks). I know they have a great time without me and sometimes I find pictures on my camera that proves it. Here is the latest...

Dace gets to be more fun every day. Last week he discovered his toes and is trying very hard to get them to his mouth. But I doubt they will ever make it over the buddha belly. He LOVES his new jolly jumper play chair and can entertain himself for close to 20 minutes at a time in it. His nighttime is almost exact clockwork, 9pm to 7am. He has put his toes in the ocean and loves watching the waves while snuggled up on mama's shoulder, smacking on his fist. He also has learned how to growl and that is his latest favorite noise to make.

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