We are home.
These little bubbas are more than content to be home and reunited in their own crib. Snug as little bugs.
My alarm went off at 7am Sunday morning and somewhere around 7:25 I realized I was not yet out of bed. I started gathering the courage to get up when my phone rang. I knew instantly. If it was a 912 number, my babies would be coming home today.
And it was.
The wonderful nurse that we had had Saturday gave me the great news that Dr. Wright had discharged them and we could come get them anytime. I talked briefly with him then both of us got out of bed, more than ready to start the day.
Let me backtrack just for a minute- When mom and I got to the hospital on Saturday morning, our nurse said that Dr. Wright had moved them both to all bottle feeds. This shocked me since the day before they thought Ammon was a day or two behind her. But I guess he caught up real fast. When she told me they were both all bottles, I burst into tears. I knew we were so close to getting home. She said that because they were such great weights, if they did good on a day of all bottles, they might go home without staying the usually mandatory 48 hours on all bottles.
So when the phone rang that early, it was a huge weight off my shoulders. Its over. The long days at the hospital, the seemingly never ending hospital stay was finally over- 1 day short of a full month. Wow.
The boys did so great meeting their new brother and sister. Both were so gentle and sweet and Zade kept giving them kisses. My dad recorded it all- I'll need to edit the long clip down and post it here later. The twins of course slept through the whole thing. They sleep about 95% of the day still. The noise of their older brothers didn't bother them and they have settled into their new surroundings quite nicely.
I have gone into slow motion nesting mode. I was just getting into that phase when I was admitted to the hospital so I had some time to make up for. We spent the rest of the day cuddling babies, organizing clothes and the nursery and me tidying up countertops and other areas of built up clutter that I cannot live with. But it felt great to be doing something other than sitting around reading or watching tv. And have I mentioned how amazing it is not to be pregnant anymore? So amazing.
Thus ends another trial/adventure of the dean team and thereby starting another. I am looking forward to being a mom of 4 under 4. Well aware it is going to be super challenging some days but I also know the blessings will outweigh the stresses. So let's get started.....
4 days ago
YEAH! So glad that you are home with your entire little family.
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