I really wish I was updating this more because I know people are missing the updates. I need to be taking more pictures too so maybe I will set that as a goal next week.
First off, let's talk about Dace. Oh that boy is such a sweetie. He came in to wake me up this morning and said, "Mama, you are still my sweetie." Talk about putting a big smile on my face first thing! How glad am I that I am still his sweetie because there are some girls at church that are really giving me a run for my money. :)
He is getting really, really good at building these towers. He built this one on Sunday night and again asked me to take a picture of it. It is the best one he has made yet. Maybe award winning architecture is in his future. I guess we will see.
Yesterday we picked him up some craft supplies. I have been feeling bad that he is watching more shows than usual these days just because I am almost useless company and entertainment and there is only so much Dallin can do with them too. So I thought that some craft supplies for another option might be a good thing. Boy was I right! He painted and drew and cut and pasted for about an hour and a half this morning! and loved every minute of it! I think we have our new morning activity while Zade sleeps. yay!
Like his chocolate goatee? Dad made pudding this morning.
And then we have our chunk, Mr. Porkchop. Mr. eat all day and never get full.
Zade mastered his first word- cracker. Of course it would be a food object. He can also say amen but it's more like ah-min. But he is very proud of cracker and kind of sounds like a parrot, repeating it over and over again when he's asked to say it. He climbs on everything, is in to everything, will eat anything he finds and wants to eat anything he sees on the counter no matter if it is only seconds after a meal. He loves running around with his brother, is sleeping through the night almost flawlessly and LOVES getting his shoes to go outside or for a car ride. He is quite the amazing little boy who can fake cry like none other and has quite the little big personality. Did I mention he starts nursery full time this week? Yup, he is 18 months old in a couple days.
By way of Dallin- He was released from the bishopric on Sunday, after nearly 3.5 years of being in the branch presidency then the bishopric. We both knew it was coming but it happened quite abruptly. I was home with the boys who were sick when he texted me the news. It is bittersweet. However, I am very much looking forward to having him home Sunday mornings and afternoons and sitting with us in church. He was called in a week before Dace was born so I have never known a sacrament meeting with kids and a husband to help. Its going to be a great improvement.
As for me- slowing down and growing bigger. That will be my life for the next 10 weeks, give or take. We saw the doc today. Babies are good but my weight is not. I've only gained a pound in two weeks. How weird is that? I still eat almost all the time and am sleeping and resting more than I am doing anything remotely physical. I've had some days without an appetite but I seem to make up for those on other days. So I need to increase my snacking over the next couple weeks so that I am gaining more weight because the babies are starting to use up what I have stored so far. Sighhhh, fine. If I have to. Pass the doughnuts. ;)
post-post: totally forgot to mention the biggest, best news- WE have our approval for medicaid! yippee! still don't have all the details yet but the majority of Dallin's bills should be covered, if not all of them. Huge answer to prayer. what a relief!
4 days ago
Best update ever! So glad I subscribed to your RSS. Congrats on the medicaid! That IS a huge relief. And I'm glad Dallin will be there during sacrament now. I know how strenuous that was getting for you.
Loved reading about my boys. I really miss 'em. Give 'em both a big hug, maybe attempt a rocket ride, and tell 'em I miss 'em.
How about a video of Zade saying cracker over and over?
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